Join us at one of two Open Forums to find out more:
14.30-16.00, Wednesday 13th December, Grimond Lecture Theatre 3
14.30-16.00, Thursday 14th December, Medway Building Room 2-28
We’ll cover the Programme background, timelines, what’s coming next, talk through the impact of business change and discuss what to expect from new processes and the new student management system.
And we’ll hold time for discussion and questions.
In order that we can ensure there is a place for everyone, please respond to this Doodle Poll if you plan to attend.
KentVision is a Business Change Programme, undertaken by the University to support improvements in student lifecycle administration and student experience.
KentVision will involve refining our business processes, implementing the Tribal SITS product across enrolment to congregations, integrating admissions with enrolment to congregations and decommissioning the student data system.
From September 2018 KentVision will be used for an array of administrative activities across the complete student lifecycle, including everything from student, programme and module look ups to registering students, viewing module diets, entering and viewing marks, approving PGR supervisory meetings, processing scholarships and more.
Students will also use KentVision to enrol, choose modules, access their timetables and view personal information, PGR progress reviews and their marks.
If you would like to know more in the meantime:
Or to get in touch: