When you start university, you might be living away from home for the first time. You’ll be making your own choices about when to work, what to do in your spare time, and who to hang out with. So how do you get off to a great start? We asked some of our current students for their top tips.
“Don’t be afraid to jump in before you get there. Through Facebook groups and social media platforms you can find out information before you arrive at Kent. Going into the group chats and finding the people who will actually be in your flat and talking to them before you get there takes the edge off meeting them in person. Also, research the societies that are on offer before you join and don’t be afraid to email them to find out more.” Rio Finch, Human Geography
“Spend as much time as can getting to know the university in advance, find out how the course is taught, visit the campus if you can, chat to students, ask questions on social media. Then, once you’re here, try new things, join societies, and get to know your housemates. It’s a time to develop yourself as well as studying your course.” Matthew Howes, Biomedical Engineering
“In Welcome Week, leave your door open – get a door stop, talk to other people. Go to societies. Don’t worry about over-committing because if, in the second week, you decide you don’t want to carry on with a particular society, that’s OK. But you should go and try them. And make sure you remember to exercise after Welcome Week!” Ellie Barrett, Digital Arts with a Year in Industry
“Don’t be afraid to reach out to people if you’re missing home – there’s a great support system at Kent and no one wants you to feel alone.” Angel Lawson, Music Performance and Production
“Do things that will challenge you because when you come out of university, you want to be an all-rounder and able to deal with any challenges that come your way. So, when you get an email asking if you’d like to be a student ambassador or student rep, just go ahead and try your luck. I did it and it worked for me, which means it can work for anyone. Also, as deadlines start to pile up towards the end of the term, don’t worry. Just try to be really organised and disciplined.” Jenna Lakshita Seetohul, Biomedical Engineering
“Work hard, play hard. I would recommend starting strongly and really giving 100% in your first year. Although the year doesn’t contribute towards your final grade, the fundamental knowledge and momentum you gain from this year will carry you through second and third year nicely. Do not waste your first year!” Tim Carnell, Business and Management
“Be positive, open-minded and active. Be involved in societies because it’s always good to have a hobby. Sometimes uni work can get to you, so it’s always good to have something to relieve stress or release tension and just calm yourself down so you’re ready for work again. Don’t waste any opportunities, and enjoy first year because it goes by very quickly.” Vic Hassan, Computer Systems Engineering
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