In your first year at university, most of you will have the option to take a wild module. This will be one of the best opportunities to come your way, so don’t second guess it! It is the only time during your degree that you can study a subject unrelated to your studies.
Have you always wanted to learn Spanish, Greek, Italian? Kent provides a beginners module for multiple languages – have a look on the website and take your pick. Or maybe you have an interest in the human mind? You can choose from a range of subjects such as sociology, psychology or criminology. With over 150 modules to choose from, is there any reason you shouldn’t have a peak into another degree?
I’m currently studying English Literature with Creative Writing, so I was ecstatic to discover that I was able to study outside of my degree. Although, I didn’t stray too far from literature. After all, I’m studying English Lit because I love it. My chosen wild module was The Tale, and honestly I couldn’t have been any more in love with any other module. It has been my favourite so far.
The Tale gives you the opportunity to study ancient texts, such as The Epic of Gilgamesh, and read fairy tales, like Beauty and The Beast, in a whole new light. I promise you, you will never read a book the same way again… and you’ll be better for it.
I’m going to be honest, here. When I first started The Tale, I thought about dropping it every day because I felt like I was at a disadvantage compared to everyone else. But, a few weeks in and you learn how to tackle the module. You adopt a new outlook on essay writing, and analysis. I’ve developed skills that I never could have thought of had I simply chosen modules dedicated for my degree.
Because I took The Tale, because I worked so hard at a subject I had no previous knowledge on, I got a first in that module – and a high 2:1 overall. And believe you, me, nothing feels better than seeing your achievements written down on a piece of paper.
Take a leap of faith, take a wild module.