It is common knowledge that university students do not have a great amount of disposable income. Working whilst studying can be very beneficial as it gives you real-life work experience and some extra spending money, but choosing the right job is essential. Night shifts may seem like a good idea at first but attending your 9am lecture after an 11.00pm-7.00am shift isn’t the best start to the day.
The University of Kent offers part-time employment opportunities that are perfect for students. As an employee myself, I have found there to be a number of benefits to working on campus, compared to having a part-time job with a different organization.
Believe it or not, working on campus can do wonders for your social life. You will be working with fellow students, and interact with tutors and other visitors. There will be people you see often and, over time, new friendships will form. Also, the more time you spend on campus, the more likely you are to know about the various events that go on throughout the year.
When working off-campus, I often found that my work hours conflicted with lectures or extracurricular activities and this greatly limited my university experience. On-campus jobs are designed for students, and this means that they come with a high degree of flexibility. Supervisors know that you are studying a degree, and will understand that you need a certain amount of flexibility with your shifts.
It is so much more convenient to work at the place you study. If you’re a first year your job is only a short walk from your room, which should be considered a blessing when you’re in need of an extra half an hour’s sleep. Whilst I do not live on campus, I am able to work in the gaps between my classes or have a shift after I’ve finished a lecture. It is a lot easier than having to commute to another area to work.
Overall, having any type of job whilst studying can be extremely beneficial: from increasing your potential employability to earning you some extra money. Working on campus is definitely something to consider if you start to look for a job, as it is works well around your studies and makes it a lot easier to balance your time.