Getting a degree is the first substantial building block towards the career that you’re pursuing, but what are employers actually looking for? Out-competing fellow graduates is part of the whole process and the best way to do that is to show the employer valuable qualities that you possess which aren’t necessarily shown in your course.
In short your extra-curricular activities are KEY!
This year I am the volunteering and publications officer for the conservation society, which allows me to display my creative prowess where it would otherwise be unproven by my biomedical degree. Thousands of students will graduate every year with a biomedical science degree, but it’s involvement in specific societies that allows us all to be distinguished and individually assessed for our qualities.
Personal involvement in societies also allows employers to grasp a better picture of the person you are. People who are involved in sport societies will typically be able to handle stressful situations well and with composure, similar to competitions and events where there is a lot of pressure to perform and represent yourself. Alternatively people involved in art or drama societies exhibit their ability to think creatively and expressively, which is ultimately beneficial for problem solving and team work, skills that are professionally sought after in individuals.