XCRI-CAP? Not perhaps the most elegant of acronyms but it stands for the following:
eXchanging Course Related Information – Course Advertising Profile
In a nutshell this project aims to consolidate all the data the University holds on its courses, programmes and modules into a nationally agreed format.
This data is used for many purposes both internally and externally – for online and printed prospectuses, for Key Information Sets and for the Higher Education Achievement Report. The project will ensure our data is compliant with the UK standard for describing course related material, will reduce the need for re-keying information and look at improving workflows and rationalising current disparate datastores.
The Kent XCRI-CAP is a JISC funded project and is a joint effort between the Enrolment Management Service and the IS Web Development Team. JISC is funding similar projects at sixty three HEIs.
Initial meetings have already taken place involving staff who will be working on the project. Further details will appear here very shortly.