Category Archives: Archive

Good Friday

Bound hand + wire cube own therapy 31 March 2010

Bound hand therapy self inflicted 31 March 2010

The medical team was calm, thorough and efficient. Repeated queries about my identity, a large arrow on my left arm pointing toward my hand and the two ‘x’ marks on the fingernails of my middle and ring finger helped to ensure the correct person, arm and digits went under the knife. The anaesthesiologist and the surgeon identified themselves and explained what they were planning. All concerns and doubts about the surgery and outcome were clearly outlined. Did I still wish to proceed? I did. Continue reading


18 February 2010 No Progress Hand + Wire Cube + New Plaster Therapy HR + Boss Last Chance

Don't give up Try to break the new plaster Waiting for Consultant 22 February 2010

 They were  emergencies.  Events moved swiftly. Sudden illness or accident was followed by medical care and surgeries I didn’t really have time to think about.   Continue reading

There’s nothing wrong…

4 February 2010 My dad died on Saturday tomorrow we go to America to bury him no + wire cube

It was a year ago today the accident happened. As in other areas of life, it is a time for review.  A time to look over the past year and evaluate what has changed what needs keeping and what needs challenging. Continue reading