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A 1-day workshop honouring Professor Mark Ablowitz

The workshop Integrable Systems and Nonlinear Waves is to be held on Wednesday 18 July 2018 in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Kent, Canterbury. This workshop is to honour Mark Ablowitz (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA) who is to receive an Honorary Doctor of Science from the University of Kent on Thursday 19 July 2018.

Our speakers are as follows:

Roger Grimshaw (University College London)
Internal solitary waves and internal undular bore over variable topography

Rod Halburd (University College London)
Carlitz differential equations and integrability

Karima Khusnutdinova (Loughborough University)
On KP and 2D cKdV-type models for surface and internal waves in fluids

Sara Lombardo (Loughborough University)
Spectra as complex curves: nonlinear waves instabilities by means of elementary algebraic-geometry”

Full timetable for the event (PDF, 507KB)

The workshop is supported by a grant from the QJMAM Fund for Applied Mathematics.

There is no registration fee and lunch will be provided for registered participants.

Logo for Cambridge University PressFollowing the workshop, there will be a wine reception sponsored by Cambridge University Press.


Register for the workshop

Further information: please email Professor Peter Clarkson