Readinglists@kent and readinglists@medway 2024/25

Your reading lists: laptop and book motif: Check, edit, publish icons

It’s not too late to publish your reading list

Reading list update

All 2024/2025 reading lists are available for editing and publishing.

All 2024/25 reading lists will be made visible to students from Wednesday 28th August 2024 following the Moodle switchover.

  • If you have already updated and published your reading list, you do not need to do anything more.
  • If you have not yet updated your reading list, please check, edit and publish your list.  This will ensure that any changes are visible to students and to the library.

If there are no changes to your list, please still publish your list so the library knows that it has been updated for 2024/2025.

Scheduled downtime

On Wednesday 28th August there may be a temporary interruption to the reading list service as lists are made visible in Moodle but we don’t anticipate any significant downtime.

Don’t forget:

  • Make sure you Log in and edit the 2024/25 version of the list.
  • Make sure you set the importance, as that tells us how many books to order and helps students prioritise their reading.
  • You need to publish your list once completed

We will review every list you publish. The dates below help you prioritise when to publish your reading lists:

May – July

Your lists will be reviewed. We have the best chance of delivering your resources for the beginning of term and you will be informed if there is anything we are unable to buy. If you rely on DVDs for your module, ordering now gives us the best chance of sourcing them.

August – Welcome Week

Your lists will be reviewed but this is our peak ordering period. Your lists will join a queue and delivery times may be longer.

Week 1 onwards

Your lists will be reviewed but it is unlikely that new or extra resources will be available until later in the term. During the Autumn term we will review all lists in the order they arrive, from November ordering for Spring Term lists will take priority over Autumn Term lists.

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