We’ve developed new resources that allow you to search and browse our publishing agreements by journal title and subject
The Read and Publish agreements that the library has with many publishers allow you to publish your articles Open Access without requiring further payment to the publisher. You don’t have to apply separately for an APC.
The agreements are listed and detailed on our Read and Publish agreement webpage, and we now have new resources that allow you to search and browse our agreements by journal title and subject.
Check before you choose
The Read and Publish journal search enables you to enter one or two keywords from a journal title to see if it is covered by our agreements at Kent. You can then navigate to a page that provides instructions.
We’ve also made available an Excel sheet that contains all the journal titles covered by our agreements. We have matched these titles to the broad subject categories (up to three per title) that we use on our Digital Resources Directory. This means that you can browse speculatively to identify titles that provide easy and free Open Access opportunities.
We are hoping that this will make is easier for you to make Open Access one element of the decision making process when you are considering where to publish. This will become increasingly important when the new UKRI Open Access policy comes into force in April.
Prototypes, early sharing and feedback
We are sharing these Kent-specific tools, and the national Sherpa tool provided by JISC, as early versions. The subject matching in particular is a “work in progress”. We will review the situation later in the year and consider usage of these tools and your comments on their usefulness. This will help us decide which to retain or develop further. Please feedback to researchsupport@kent.ac.uk
Value for money
These Read and Publish agreements provide significant value for money and are much more cost effective than use of funds to pay APCs on an article by article basis. They have already enabled hundreds of Kent articles to be available to anyone anywhere over the internet. They also have licences that make it clear how they can be used and shared. Our Read and Publish agreements therefore allow a much greater volume of Kent work to be publicly available than ever before.
We hope that these new resources will help researchers to make the very best use of these Open Access opportunities