The Read and Publish agreements that the library has with many publishers allow you to publish your articles Open Access without requiring further payment to the publisher. You don’t have to apply separately for an APC.
We evaluate and enter into agreements with publishers that will most benefit our researchers however we depend on JISC to negotiate these agreements on behalf of the HE sector and achieve the best deal for both ‘read’ access and publishing freely or at a discounted rate.
One such negotiation has taken place with Elsevier, and we can announce that we have signed this agreement and it is now available for our researchers to take advantage of.
The agreement covers Elsevier’s Core hybrid journals and hybrid titles in the Cell Press and The Lancet journal collections.
There is the option to also include Fully OA journals with a 15% discount applied on APCs.
Details of all journal titles included in this agreement will be added to our Read and Publish journal search once Elsevier make this available to us.
In the meantime if you are looking for a specific title you can check directly with Elsevier.