Before you arrive at Kent
Before you leave your previous institution we recommend that you:
Copy records
Copy records from any databases or file stores that depend on your institutional access, for example Mendeley.
You could consider using something like the Open Science Foundation (OSF) platform so that you will always be able to access your files and data wherever you work. OSF is as free, open platform that enables you to work collaboratively. It allows you to be as private or as open as you wish within the project and folder structure you create.
Use your personal email address
Make sure you have a personal, long-term email address associated with your online accounts, tools, profiles and alerts that you’ll need to use in future. For example, ORCiD, Mendeley, or Scopus. Although you will soon have your University of Kent email address it is good practice to use a personal email address to ensure continued access to online services
How to change your ORCiD account email address
How to edit your personal information in your Scopus profile
Export your research
Export your research works from your institutional repository:
- Export the records as RIS or BibTex file and save
- Select the ‘Full details’ option when exporting.
- If you need help exporting your research the library team in your current university will be able to help you
- When you arrive at Kent our library team will help you add them to the Kent Academic Repository.
When you arrive at Kent
When you arrive the Information Services Research Support team will:
- help you transfer your records from your previous institutional repository or another database to the Kent Academic Repository (KAR)
- show you how to add new publications to KAR
- show you how to create or connect your ORCID
- introduce our Open Access publishing opportunities to help you stay compliant with institutional and funder policies