CORE Repository Edition

Image of apple core which is the supplier's logo

CORE is the world’s largest aggregator of open access research papers from repositories and journals. CORE harvests research papers from institutional and subject repositories, and open access and hybrid journals.  

CORE currently contains 207,255,818 open access articles collected from 10,574 data providers around the world. Kent’s institutional repositories (KAR and KDR) are surfaced via CORE. 

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding, as part of the “enhancing research culture” initiative, has enabled Kent to procure an enhanced level of service from CORE. Kent will pilot this enhanced service for a period of 1 year to gauge benefits, with a view to building a business case to seek continued funding for the service if it is found to be valuable. 

The enhanced service is anticipated to increase discoverability of KAR and KDR’s content via search engines, library discovery systems, third-party repositories, PubMed, Microsoft Academic Search and other data providers.

In addition, there are potential internal benefits for us for data enrichment and validation. For example REF 2021 Open Access compliance monitoring functionality, detecting missing DOIs for repository records,  and a RIOXX metadata quality checker.  

An example dashboard output is illustrated below.


If you have any questions about the service, please contact the IS research and scholarly communications team. 

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