Improve your writing and communication skills with this new collection.
Writing for science can be diverse and complex. It can take many forms; from thesis to funding application to conference talks… anything really, as long as you’re writing about science. The complexity comes with the need to understand and adopt various approaches depending on what you’re writing. And that’s before you consider your target audience, or co-authors you may be working with.
We’ve pulled together a collection of titles related to science research, writing and communication skills to help everyone, from first-year students to early career researchers and beyond. This includes help on a number of types of scientific writing:
- research proposals
- funding applications
- a thesis or dissertation
- presenting to a non-scientifc audience
- using English for non-native speakers
These titles come from a range of academic writing experts, including World Scienctific Publishing, Routledge, Sage, Springer and more.
We hope these resources are helpful and bring some clarity to your approach to science writing. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this collection, and any recommendations you might have.