Through Kent’s membership of the SGroup Universities in Europe network, Kent staff are eligible to apply for a travel and subsistence grant of up to 1000€ to support a visit to a partner institution outside Europe to further collaboration in research and education.
Grants are available for short mobility periods in Africa, China and Latin America. A specific grant is also available to facilitate connections with SGroup Associate Member institutions.
For information on eligibility criteria, please read the InterContinental Academic Exchange Programme (ICon) 2023 Guide
Visits must be for a minimum duration of five working days and must take place before 15th October 2023.
The call closes on 30th April 2023. Applications will be judged according to eligibility and award criteria on a first-come-first-served basis.
A maximum of four applications (one for each Think Tank region and one for Internal Networking (with Associate Member institutions)) from each SGroup full-member institution will be considered for evaluation. If you are a Kent staff member interested in submitting an application, please contact Primrose Paskins (P.M.A.Paskins@kent.ac.uk) by Friday 16th December 2022. Depending on the level of interest, pre-selection criteria may be applied by the University before endorsing applications. University individual risk assessment and approval procedures for business travel will apply.