On 18 March 2019, the UKC Krishna Consciousness Society hosted this year’s Yoga and Mediation festival in Darwin Lecture Theatre 3. The theatre was transformed with a table offering spiritual literature, a variety of entertaining performances including a drama performance by the Bhaktivedanta Players, a poem written by devotees and much more.
The final event involved the audience dancing and singing to The Maha Mantra, with the accompaniment of a Mridanga, which is a type of drum, an accordion and kartalas (small brass symbols). The finale was followed by a vegetarian feast from Govinda’s restaurant based in London.
Many people left the event feeling entertained and enriched and it was all for free. The Krishna Consciousness Society were part-funded by International Partnerships through the Multicultural Events Fund. If you or your society are interested in organising a multicultural event, you can find out more about how to apply for funding here.