Did you know Staff can go abroad too?

Upcoming Staff Mobility Talk

All Kent staff can apply for funding to undertake 2-5 days training/teaching opportunities at our Erasmus partner universities or other relevant organisations within Europe. We have a brief talk on 15th November in G4-12 (Gillingham Building – Medway Campus) to give more information on how to go about applying under these schemes.

During your time abroad, you have the opportunity to learn new skills, share best practices, develop international networks and explore potential for further cooperation (eg research).

Activities can include:

  • Training courses
  • Job Shadowing/Observation
  • Staff Training events
  • Teaching at a partner university

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to find out how you can apply. All staff are welcome, please RSVP by emailing erasmus@kent.ac.uk. We look forward to seeing you there.

There are Staff Mobility talks held at the Medway and Canterbury Campus at various times during the year. If you want general information about Erasmus Staff Mobility at Kent, visit www.kent.ac.uk/global/partnerships/kent-staff/staff-exchange.html If you have any further general questions or concerns, please email erasmus@kent.ac.uk