The Benefits of being a Global Citizen

What does it mean to be a Global Citizen and why is it important?

Global Citizenship

Being a Global Citizen is about celebrating the rich diversity of cultures within our worldwide community. It’s about understanding how your own identity fits within the larger spheres of national and global identities. It’s about recognizing multiple perspectives and appreciating the nuances and complexities of various global issues.

Being a Global Citizen is a crucial part of any world-class education. It’s about getting outside of your comfort zone and broadening your horizons. It’s about learning how to be part of an interconnected world. It’s about challenging intolerance wherever you encounter it. And it’s about developing your own voice.

Most importantly, it’s about believing that sustainable and significant change is possible. And about wanting to be part of that change.

Learning to be a Global Citizen is learning how to take action to create that change.

It’s learning how to collaborate with others to take collective action. It’s learning how to speak out about overcoming inequalities. It’s learning to innovate and find creative solutions to huge, complex problems.

It’s understanding that Global Citizenship is a lifelong process.

Becoming a Global Citizen will empower you to be part of global change. It will enable you to share a sense of responsibility for the world we live in.

As a Global Citizen, you will develop greater awareness of the challenges faced across the world. You will learn vital employability skills like adaptability, creativity, cultural empathy, problem-solving and a commitment to key global issues.

Do you want to be a Global Citizen?

Kent has partnered with Common Purpose to bring you ‘Global Citizenship’, an experiential online course through which you will develop skills and competencies needed to thrive in the 21st Century, whilst learning more about the UN Sustainable Development Goals, enabling you to play an active role in advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

By participating in this course, you will:

  • Become equipped to take rapid action on a Sustainable Development Goal
  • Learn to collaborate with diverse networks
  • Challenge preconceptions and inform people’s perspectives
  • Learn how to operate across hierarchies
  • Be enabled to live and maintain your values and integrity.

The course will run from 13 February – 3 March and is expected to take 9 hours to complete in a self-paced learning environment over the 3 week period. You will complete a series of experiential activities, offline tasks, reflections and facilitated discussions. Further networking opportunities with peers will also be made available.

Upon successful completion of the course, you’ll earn the ‘Global Citizenship’ micro-credential, demonstrating that you’ve developed the skills to tackle complex global issues.

If you are interested in participating, please apply here. The deadline for applications is 6th February. An information session will be held on 2nd February from 10-11am for those interested.

For more information, please contact