‘I had always planned to travel to the Middle East when I got older, with the hope of one day working there. Now I can, knowing full well that I can communicate easily.’

Habiba O.Okewole studied Arabic with CEWL alongside her BSc in Economics. Now Habiba will graduate with “Economics with a Language” on her diploma.

Deciding to study Arabic was one of the best decisions I made during my degree. It is something I plan to utilise throughout the rest of my life wherever and whenever I can. Learning a language is not easy, especially the older you get, and I was originally worried about how well I would do. But now I have no regrets.

Arabic was what I needed before I even knew I needed it. It was a break from Economics and after every lesson, I felt lighter and more focused. Studying a language opens up different parts of the brain, which I then utilised in other aspects of my degree.

Not only was this an opportunity to learn a new language, but it was a great way to meet different people studying different things. Because everyone is at the same language level, there is no pressure. Everybody helps everybody in whatever way they can.

I had always planned to travel to the Middle East when I got older, with the hope of one day working there. Now I can, knowing full well that I can communicate easily.

Additionally, Arabic is an up-and-coming language in business, economics, and many other fields, so this was a great opportunity to boost my CV.

Thankfully, I studied Arabic for three years and undertook an Arabic module at each level, so now I can graduate with Arabic on my diploma. This makes me so happy!

I really look forward to continuing to develop my knowledge of the language and the culture as I progress in life. Insha’Allah.

Have a look at the other World Language modules we have on offer at CEWL!