Creativity in Research – online workshop, 5 March 2021

Open to Postgraduate Research students

FRIDAY 5 MARCH, 14:00 – 16:30 ONLINE

Delivered by Kent’s Graduate and Researcher college, this session will help you learn a range of techniques that you can practice in order to become a more creative researcher. You will have a better understanding of the current research in this area and how to apply it in a University setting. The course will cover the innovation value chain and where creative blockages occur; reflective exercises aiming to assist with recognizing what constitutes creative environments, a range of techniques from the creativity literature; a discussion on how to remove blocks to the creative process; and a focus on how to apply creative techniques within a University research setting. The course will be of value to researchers who want to increase the number of good ideas they generate and lead teams to collaboratively solve problems with creative solutions. “The course was very useful; I go away with several tools to really change the way I do things.” – Feedback from past participan

This session will cover:

Behaviours of creative people

Innovation value chain

Techniques to boost creativity

Creating creative environments

Overcoming barriers to creativity


By the end of this course you will be able to:

Understand common blockages to creativity

Apply a variety of techniques to promote creativity in research

See problems from different angles

Adapt creativity skills to your research problem

FRIDAY 5 MARCH, 14:00 – 16:30 ONLINE

Book here

Contact for further details on this workshop and other skills opportunities.