Join us for an ‘in conversation’ webinar, hosted by Arts Council England, with key figures from across the University and Arts and Culture sector. This is an opportunity to find out more about the ground breaking project Creative Estuary, being led by the University of Kent’s Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries, with speakers including Professor Catherine Richardson, Director of iCCi at Kent, and Sarah Dance, Chair of Creative Estuary.
Date/Time: Thu, 22 April 2021 10:30 – 12:00
Venue: Online Registration via Eventbrite.
During the past year, arts organisations, museums and libraries have played a key role in supporting communities, bringing people together, creating thought provoking work and inspiring reflection. This has often been in partnership with Higher Education.
That civic role is reflected at a national level, through Government investment in the sector and in Local Authority and Local Enterprise Partnership plans for reset and recovery. It is also embedded within the Arts Council’s ambitious strategy for the next ten years, Lets Create.
This webinar is an opportunity to discuss the increasing focus on place, and how Higher Education Institutions and the arts and culture sector can build on their long history of strategic partnerships, research and talent development within a civic framework to realise their shared ambition to drive positive change in people and communities.
This webinar is being delivered in collaboration with Arts Council England. It will be a 90 minute panel event with initial speaker provocations, followed by a panel discussion and Q&A.
Hosted by:
Jane Tarr, Director, Skills and Workforces, Arts Council England
Chaired by:
Sukhy Johal MBE, Director of the Centre for Culture & Creativity, University of Lincoln
Confirmed speakers and discussion topics include:
Darren Henley, Chief Executive, Arts Council England – exploring the relationship between universities and the cultural sector, and the growing importance of place-based approaches.
Prof. Catherine Richardson, Director, Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries – jointly discussing how they established the wide partnership of Creative Estuary, sharing what has worked well and what lessons have been learnt in the process.
Sarah Dance, Chair of Creative Estuary, Creative Producer and Director of England’s #CreativeCoast, Deputy Chair South East LEP and Co-Chair SECEN, and
Vee Pollock, Dean of Culture and Creative Arts at Newcastle University – sharing her experience of developing a Cultural Compact with partners in Newcastle, and the challenges and opportunities of this strategic approach.
Andrew Barnett OBE, UK branch Director of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation – reflecting on the sector’s perspective of the civic role of arts organisations and how universities can best support and engage with this agenda.
Questions from participants will be welcomed during the Q&A section of the webinar in reaction to the discussion, however if you have any specific questions in advance that you would like to be put to the speaker panel please email with the subject ‘The Art of the Civic – Question’ to