codebar is volunteer led, they run workshops and other events all around the world
Upcoming sessions:
24th February ’20 at 18:30- 21:00 (Sibson Seminar Room 6)
30th March ’20 at 18:30- 21:00 (Sibson Seminar Room 6)
The workshops themselves follow a format of 30 minutes of socialising with food and drink, followed by a lightning talk (if available), then coding practise. The codebar participants/students are paired either 1 to 1 or 2 to 1 with the coaches and can either go through the online courses available via the site, or get assistance with their own projects.
The workshops are free, led by Yoyo Design, and available to people who fit the eligibility criteria. These workshops form part of the County wide Kent codebar chapter, with the hopes to get more women, LGBTQ and people from other underrepresented groups involved with programming as well as getting tech sector based companies involved with supporting these communities in and around Kent.
Food and Drink will be provided, but remember to bring your own laptop!
If you haven’t already signed up to codebar as either a coach or student, you can do so at
For any companies who would like become a sponsor for the Kent chapter, you can find more information at or email
Depending on the workshop and available coaches sometimes there are other languages available too. A page of tutorials that codebar uses can be found at
The coding part of the workshops tend to consist of the codebar student going through one of the tutorials on the site, or another code tutorial site, such as There are a few rules around the type of work participants can do. For example they shouldn’t be doing any paid for work, bootcamp or external learning based work during the workshop.
codebar encourage new participants / students to work on their HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Python or Git tutorials. They also help them understand programming concepts.
Therefore codebar are always on the lookout for more developers to join their community and help coach at their workshops. If you are interested in being a coach then please visit here
codebar participants (codebar Students) come from a variety of backgrounds. Some want to become full-time developers, whereas some would like to learn the basics of coding in a supportive environment.
We hope to see many of you there!