Key point: Set ‘PreRelease’ to 0 [zero] if sending triggers to eeg/eye-trackers.
At the start of term, Psychology upgraded out version of E-Prime from 2.08 to 2.010
So, what are the important changes:
- When you open an existing E-Studio (es2) file that was written in a previous version , the new version, E-Prime will convert it to the new format (after getting your consent). You will then no longer be able to open that source file using the old version of E-Prime.
We have not noticed any problems so far with any converted programs. - If you create a NEW E-Studio program, some of the default settings have changed. In particular:
- On the Duration/Input tab on all E-Objects (e.g. TextDisplay) the setting new default for ‘PreRelease‘ has changed from from ‘same as duration‘ to ‘0‘ [zero]. This is generally a good idea EXCEPT for Eye tracker/EEG experiments that send triggers across to the other system.
Out tests have shown that changing this to 0 [zero] is required for event triggers to work properly.
- On the Duration/Input tab on all E-Objects (e.g. TextDisplay) the setting new default for ‘PreRelease‘ has changed from from ‘same as duration‘ to ‘0‘ [zero]. This is generally a good idea EXCEPT for Eye tracker/EEG experiments that send triggers across to the other system.
- Other settings to be aware of:
- on all E-objects (sessionproc, textDisplay objects,..) , in the Properties/Common tab/script generation section, there are 2 settings
Generate PreRun and Generate PostRun worth consideration. See the E-Prime built-in help, especially the New Features Guide for more details.
If you have any questions or need further help, then please feel free to contact me.
- on all E-objects (sessionproc, textDisplay objects,..) , in the Properties/Common tab/script generation section, there are 2 settings
John Allen