Sophie De Schaepdrijver (Penn State University, USA) joins the University of Kent’s School of History as Leverhulme Visiting Professor for the academic year 2016-2017. During her visit she will be holding a series of lectures exploring how studying military occupation helps us understand the First World War.

Monday 3rd October Conquered Lands: Occupied Europe in the Great War
Tuesday 8th November Hostile Hinterlands: Occupation and War
Tuesday 6th December To Wait In Heavy Harness: The Occupiers
Tuesday 24th January Dancing with a Bully: Occupied Populations
Tuesday 28th February Social Contracts: Citizenship and Sacrifice under Occupation
Tuesday 28th March Tangled Memories: Remembering and Forgetting the Occupations of the Great War
Lectures will take place in Grimond Lecture Theatre 2 on the Canterbury Campus from 6pm.
Professor De Schaepdrijver is a historian of the First World War with a special interest in gender, social class, and the uses of language; she has published widely on the history of that war’s military occupations. Her most recent books are Military Occupations in the First World War (edited, 2014); Bastion: Occupied Bruges in the First World War (2014); and Gabrielle Petit: The Death and Life of a Female Spy in the First World War (2015). For her work, she was awarded the title of Baroness by H.M. the King of Belgium.
The Leverhulme lecture series is supported by the School of History and the Gateways to the First World War public engagement centre at the University of Kent.