The School of History was delighted to host the 2015 Start of Year Lecture on Monday 28 September.
The lecture, Oral History: Eye Witnesses or Composed Subjects?, was given by Professor Penny Summerfield, Professor of Modern History at the University of Manchester, and the author of several books including Reconstructing Women’s Wartime Lives: discourse and subjectivity in oral histories of the Second World War (Manchester 1998) and Contesting Home Defence: Men, Women and the Home Guard in the Second World War (Manchester 2007). The lecture was attended by staff and students of the school, and was followed by a drinks reception.
Head of School, Dr Juliette Pattinson also awarded a number of prizes to students:
Roger Anstey Commemoration Prize for Best Stage 2 Performance
(This prize is generously supported by Professor Grayson Ditchfield and the Anstey family)
Christopher Sturges
Stage 2 Achievement Award
Awarded to the students with the highest Stage 2 performance in the School.
Charlotte Daynton
Tarryn Gourley
Lucy Ingamells
Jacob Spargo-Mabbs
Best Stage 2 Dissertation
Daniel Avery – The ‘Palpable Line’: The Cause of the West Virginia Secession Movement, 1740-1863
Leland Lyons Prize for Best Stage 1 Performance
(The prize is generously supported by Emeritus Professor Donald Read)
Hannah Williams
Stage 1 Achievement Award
Annaliza Battiston
George Bates
William Mann
Jennifer Turner
Outstanding Contribution to the 50th Anniversary Celebrations
Amy Harrison
Kate Morgan
Katie Slane
Outstanding Contribution to the Student Experience
Francina Escudero
Fiona Mitchell
Update 21/10/2015: A recording of the lecture can now be viewed on the School of History website.
- Professor Penny Summerfield gave the Start of Year Lecture 2015
- Head of School Dr Juliette Pattinson presented the Stage 2 Achievement Award to (left-right): Lucy Ingamells, Jacob Spargo-Mabbs, Charlotte Daynton, and Tarryn Gourley.
- Hannah Williams was presented with the Leland Lyons prize for Best Stage 1 Performance
- Daniel Avery won the award for Best Stage 2 Disseration
- The Stage 1 Achievement Awards were presented to (left-right): George Bates, Jennifer Turner and Annaliza Battiston with Head of School Dr Juliette Pattinson
- Amy Harrison was awarded with a prize for Outstanding Contribution to the 50th Anniversary Celebrations
- Fiona Mitchell was presented with the prize for Outstanding Contribution to the Student Experience