Professor Gaynor Johnson to deliver KIASH Inaugural Professorial Lecture

The School of History’s Professor Gaynor Johnson will present the latest lecture in the KIASH Inaugural Professorial Lecture series on Wednesday 20th May at 6pm in Grimond Lecture Theatre 1, located on the University of Kent’s Canterbury campus.
‘The aim of this lecture is to offer an overview of the principal trends in the evolution of international history as a sub-discipline of history. To examine its relation to other areas of history and to place it within the wider context of other subject areas that also examine how states relate to one another, for example, international relations and law.’ The lecture will then explore some of the main historiographical debates on twentieth century British foreign policy and what they reveal about how much we know or otherwise about those subjects. Finally, some thoughts will be offered about the direction in which the study of recent British foreign policy is likely to develop.’
– Professor Gaynor Johnson
Titled ‘Never Complain, Never Explain’: British Foreign Policy in the Twentieth Century, Professor Johnson’s lecture is a free event, open to all and will be followed by a drinks reception in the foyer of the Grimond Building.
For more information about this and other School of History events please visit our events calendar.
For more information about Professor Johnson please visit her profile on the School of History website.
A poster for the event is now available to download (pdf).
Update: Professor Johnson’s inaugural lecture is now available as a podcast (mp3).
An accompanying presentation is also available to download (pdf)