Category Archives: News

Diet and Weightloss

So now’s the time that you suddenly realise that you didn’t stick to that diet you started at new year and you’ve got 2 months to get yourself looking good for your holiday.  Do you want to try a new … Continue reading

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Hay Fever season approaches

The hay fever season starts in Mid-May when tree pollen is released, through the summer with grass pollen and even into the autumn when weed pollen is released. Although hay fever cannot be cured the symptoms can be treated. For … Continue reading

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Flu symptoms and other advice

Is it a nasty cold or the flu? To find out the symptoms of the flu and discover other useful facts follow the link.  

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Keeping well in winter

For advice from the NHS on how to keep well this winter and protect yourself against seasonal ailments, click on the link below.  

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Six steps to getting more active

For tips on how to get more activity in your life, and other healthy lifestyle advice, follow the link:      

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Heatwave: how to cope in hot weather

For advice about how to cope in a heatwave and who may be most at risk during the hot weather, follow the link below.   

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Fit for Travel

Many people will be heading abroad on holiday over the next few weeks. Follow the link below for useful travel health information and advice from the NHS website Fit for Travel.  

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How Are You?

Our lifestyles are often more unhealthy than we think. To help find out what changes could help you achieve a healthier future, take the one quiz, just click on the link below and see how you score.  

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New Guidelines on Sun Exposure

NICE (National Institute for Health and Car Excellence), has advised that there is “no safe way to suntan”. Click on the link to the latest advice about sun exposure.      

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Improve your brain with exercise

The BBC has pulled together information from research showing the importance of exercise to prevent disease and delay the aging process. For more information follow the link:       

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