Category Archives: News

Emotional Impact Of Returning To Work – Care First Webinar 1st October 2020 at 12pm

Today’s webinar by Care First will be looking at the Emotional Impact of Returning To Work. For many of us, with the recent Government announcement, the thought of returning to the workplace may now seem a distant prospect. There are … Continue reading

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Healthy Eating Week 28th September – 4th October 2020

Each year the British Nutrition Foundation promotes a Healthy Eating Week. The aim of the week is to bring the UK together for a dedicated Week, focusing on key health messages and promoting healthy habits. Everyday has a different focus … Continue reading

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Fake News: What Is It? – Care First Webinar Weds 30th Sept 2020 at 12pm

Today’s Care First Webinar will be looking at the topic of fake news. Not everything that we read or see is true – and if it isn’t, and we share it, we could be making more people believe something that … Continue reading

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How To Remaining Positive During Challenging Times – Care First Webinar 29th Sept 2020 at 12.30pm

Today’s Care First Webinar is looking at positivity and how we can remain positive during there challenging times. It will briefly cover various points such as: Trying to find the silver linings Feeding yourself positivity Slowing yourself down Bringing positivity … Continue reading

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How Care First Can Support You (Care First Webinar Every Monday at 12pm)

Every Monday at 12pm Care First hold a webinar explaining the services and support they offer to all employees through the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). As the COVID-19 situation is progressing and the Government guidance continues to change as lockdown … Continue reading

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Care First Webinars W/C 28th September 2020

Covid-19 Weekly Publicity Calendar Week 28 Monday SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 ‘How Care first can support you & an update on our services’ TIME: 12pm-12.30pm Tuesday SEPTEMBER 29, 2020  ‘Positive Minds’ TIME: 12:30pm-13:00pm Wednesday SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 ‘Fake News’ … Continue reading

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Social Media, Technology & Young People:Tips for Parents – Care First Webinar 25th Sept 2020 at 12pm

Today’s Care First webinar is looking at tips for parents on Social Media, Technology and Young People. During the uncertainty, lockdown restrictions and School/College closures as a result of COVID-19; many children and young people are spending more time outside … Continue reading

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Post Trauma – Care First Webinar 24th Sept 2020 at 12pm

Today’s Care First webinar is on the topic of post trauma. For many, the pandemic has turned lives upside down which is why it is important to understand the symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and when to seek … Continue reading

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Preparing For Winter – Care First Webinar 23rd Sept 2020 at 12pm

Today’s Care First webinar is all about preparing us for Winter. We are heading into Winter still anxious with continuing uncertainty around Covid-19 and the ever changing restrictions. Additionally with the change in the weather we will be outside a … Continue reading

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National Fitness Day 23rd September 2020

Tomorrow is National Fitness Day. National Fitness Day encourages the nation to celebrate the fun of fitness and physical activity across the UK and will take place on 2020 Wednesday 23rd September. National Fitness Day is the most active day … Continue reading

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