Category Archives: News

Tips To Boost Your Self-esteem In Lockdown – Care First Webinar 10th Feb 2021 at 12pm

What is self-esteem? Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. It’s based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves, which can sometimes feel really difficult to change. The pandemic and lockdown has left many with low self-confidence, poor self-esteem … Continue reading

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Nurturing Relationships in Lockdown – Care First Webinar Tues Feb 9th at 12pm

The coronavirus outbreak is dramatically changing our lives, including our relationships with other people in our communities, our families, our homes and our workplaces. Many of us have lost some or all of our normal ways of seeing others, as … Continue reading

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Random Acts Of Kindness Week February 14th -20th 2021

Random Acts Of Kindness Week is 14th-20th Feb 2021. February 17th 2021 is Random Acts Of Kindness Day. Kindness is something that can cost nothing yet makes all the difference to the recipient. We all need extra kindness at this … Continue reading

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How Care First Can Support You – Care First Webinar Monday 8th February 2021 at 12pm

As the COVID-19 situation is progressing and the Government guidance continues to change, individuals may be feeling anxious. Mental Health support during times like these are paramount, which is why Care first have worked tirelessly to ensure our services remain … Continue reading

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Care First Webinars W/C 8th Feb 2021

Monday Feb 8th 2021 12pm-12.30pm ‘How Care first can support you’ Tuesday Feb 9th 2021 12pm-12.30pm ‘Nurturing Relationships in lockdown’ Wednesday Feb 10th 2021 12pm-12.30pm ‘Tips to boost your self-esteem in Lockdown’ Thursday 11th Feb 2021 12pm-12.30pm … Continue reading

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What You Should Do If You Live With Someone With COVID-19 – Care First Webinar Fri 5th Feb 2021 at 12pm

If you are caring for someone with COVID-19 at home or in a non-healthcare setting, you may find the below advice helpful to protect yourself and others. Learn what to do when someone has symptoms of COVID-19 or when someone … Continue reading

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The Benefits of Counselling In support of ‘Time to Talk Day’ – Care First Webinar Thursday 4th February 2021 at 12pm

According to Mind ( one in four people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England. ‘Time to talk day’ is about encouraging everyone to talk more about mental health and removing any ‘stigma’ that … Continue reading

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REMINDER – Managing Mental Health – Online Workshop For Managers Feb 4th 2021 1pm-4pm

To support Time to Talk day on the 4th February the following sessions are being offered for all managers team leaders and supervisors. February 4th (13.00-16.00) and February  12th (10.00-16.00) The aim of the workshop is to enable and encourage … Continue reading

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Children’s Mental Health Awareness – Care First Webinar Wednesday 3rd February at 12pm

Place2Be launched the first ever Children’s Mental Health Week in 2015 to highlight the importance of children and young people’s mental health. This is now its 7th year and children and young people are being encouraged to speak out about … Continue reading

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Mental Health for Support for Staff

The University has a new webpage ‘One Stop Shop’ resource to signpost staff to the various mental health and wellbeing resources available. This can be accessed via this link: Mental Health Support – Home ( includes information on: Support When … Continue reading

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