Category Archives: News

Coping With Uncertainty – Care First webinar Tues 3rd Aug 2021

COVID-19 has severely disrupted many aspects of our usual way of life, creating an air of uncertainty for everyone. With restrictions easing across the UK many of us are still left with a cloud of uncertainty affecting various parts of … Continue reading

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Care First Awareness – Care First Webinar Mon 2nd Aug 2021

As the COVID-19 situation is progressing and the Government guidance continues to change, individuals may be feeling anxious. Mental Health support during times like these are paramount, which is why Care first have worked tirelessly to ensure our services remain … Continue reading

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Maintaining Working Relationships As People Return To Work – Care First Webinar 30th July 2021

For many it has been a while, but do you remember bumping into colleagues in the office hallway, chatting about weekend plans or a big project you’re working on? Do you recall finding yourself in the right place at the … Continue reading

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How Care First Can Support With Financial Concerns – Care First Webinar Thursday 29th July 2021

We have now lived through 71 weeks of the COVID-19 Pandemic. For many, this has been a time of immense financial hardship, particularly for those who may have been furloughed or have even lost their jobs. The initial months when … Continue reading

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Unwelcome Behaviour Online – Care First Webinar Wednesday 28th July 2021

Social media platforms are often in the spotlight when it comes to how they handle unwelcome behaviour online. While Facebook, Twitter and other platforms can set their own policies about what speech is allowed based on their own terms and … Continue reading

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Prioritising Time Effectively and Establishing New Routines – Care First Webinar Tues 27th July 2021

We may not know exactly what the lifting of lockdown restrictions will bring – but we can anticipate that things may not necessarily go back to exactly how they were before. Many of us may feel that we have settled … Continue reading

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Tips To Look After Your Mental Health As Restrictions Ease – Care First Webinar Fri 16th July 2021

For many across the UK, the gradual easing of lockdown restrictions is a welcome sight. People have been longing for a return to some form of normality, being able to socialise with friends, play sports, go to bars has been … Continue reading

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The Benefits Of The Outdoors – Care First Webinar Thurs 15th July 2021

Love Park Week runs from 23rd July – 1st August 2021 – Most of us spend the vast majority of our time inside. According to one government estimate, the average Brit spends 90% of his or her life indoors, and … Continue reading

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Support For Parents With Children’s Mental Health – Care First Webinar Weds 14th July 2021

The Pandemic has touched us all and for many children and young people, the effects are likely to have longer term implications on both mental health and social behaviour. As the schools closed, the children experienced a huge loss. The … Continue reading

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What To Expect When You Call Care First? – Care First Webinar Tues 13th July 2021

When you connect to the helpline, the counsellor will provide ‘in the moment’ support to help with the issue you have contacted Care first for. Throughout the session the counsellor will assess your situation and what support is most clinically … Continue reading

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