Category Archives: News

The Emotional Impact Of Hidden Disabilities – Care First Webinar Weds 11th Aug 2021

Around 1 in 5 people in the UK have a disability, with 80% of these being hidden disabilities. COVID-19 has brought into greater focus the prevalence of hidden disabilities, with many needing to shield or being unable to receive vaccines. … Continue reading

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Bullying and Harassment at Work – Care First Webinar Tues 10th Aug 2021

One might assume, rightly or wrongly, that bullying and harassment may take a back seat during the COVID-19 pandemic. With many people either locked down, isolating or working from home, the opportunities to mistreat each other with disrespectful and uncivil … Continue reading

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How Care First Can Support You – Care First Webinar Mon 9th Aug 2021

As the COVID-19 situation is progressing and the Government guidance continues to change, individuals may be feeling anxious. Mental Health support during times like these are paramount, which is why Care first have worked tirelessly to ensure our services remain … Continue reading

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Information for Mental Health First Aiders, Mental Health Champions and Managers Supporting Teams As Restrictions Ease – Care First Webinar Fri 6th Aug 2021

As restriction ease and the UK begins the process of returning to the work place we need to be aware of how the Pandemic has affected us all and, in particular how it has impacted our mental health. We need … Continue reading

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Preparing For The School Summer Holidays If Working From Home (Care First Article)

With many parents still working from home to reduce the spread of COVID-19, and Schools closing for the Summer holidays, many people may be facing the worries of how to juggle working from home with being a full-time parent with … Continue reading

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Return To Work Anxiety – Things To Consider (Care First Article)

Return to work anxiety: Things to consider For many of us, with the recent Government announcements, the thought of coming out of our bubbles of isolation to return to the workplace may now be playing on our mind, some may … Continue reading

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Recognising Other’s Choices (Care First Article)

Change in our lives is inevitable and over the last 18 months most lives have changed to some extent if not completely. Everyone has been faced with different challenges both within work life and home life. Throughout the COVID Pandemic … Continue reading

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Alcohol Awareness – Drinking Sensibly As Restrictions Ease (Care First Article)

As restrictions end you might be worried about how to get back to normal while keeping your drinking under control. This might be the first taste of normality many of us have had for a long time – and for … Continue reading

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The Benefits Of Cycling – Care First Webinar Thurs 5th Aug 2021

In line with ‘Cycle to work day’ which is taking place on the 5th August 2021, our aim is to encourage individuals to incorporate cycling in to their daily lives and routines. Whether you haven’t cycled in years, have never cycled … Continue reading

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Anxiety Of The Clinically Vulnerable As Restrictions Ease – Care First Webinar Weds 4th Aug 2021

For many across the UK, the gradual easing of lockdown restrictions is a welcome sight. People have been longing for a return to some form of normality, being able to socialise with friends, play sports, go to bars have been … Continue reading

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