Author Archives: pa75

Injury Map

As an employee of the University of Kent, you can have one year of FREE access to the digital physiotherapy app INJURYMAP. This app can be downloaded on your phone by scanning the QR Barcode.  Exercise is the proven method … Continue reading

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Extremely Hot Weather

‘It’s a scorcher!!!’ to quote The Sun, (even more appropriate!).   The temperatures have been rising for some weeks now. Many of us love this hot weather but all of us find it’s very different having to work in these … Continue reading

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Help to Give Up Smoking

Sometimes there are things we really want to do but know they will be really hard so it stops us even trying. Giving up Smoking is one of those things.  It can be easier with assistance or doing it with … Continue reading

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What’s going on ‘downstairs’?

With an ageing population and the effects of today’s lifestyle, urology conditions, diseases and cancers are becoming more prevalent. The Urology Foundation is spreading knowledge of urology health, breaking down the stigma associated with many of its conditions and persuading people to talk about … Continue reading

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World Hepatitis Day (WHD) takes places every year on 28 July and brings the world together under a single theme to raise awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis and to influence real change.   Email Link:

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What is One You?

Around 40% of all deaths in England are related to everyday habits and behaviors – such as eating too much unhealthy food, drinking too much alcohol, not being active enough or continuing to smoke. They also cost the NHS more … Continue reading

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Sun Safety

It’s time for us to get our annual dose of sunshine!! But make sure you take care while you’re out basking in the rays- too much sun can make you unwell.  Click on the link below for more information?   … Continue reading

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Summer Snack Inspiration

It’s BBQ season and we’re all looking forward to a jug of Pimms in the sunshine. But just because the sun’s come out, it doesn’t mean healthy eating has to go out the window. Try some of these delicious hot … Continue reading

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Diet and Weightloss

So now’s the time that you suddenly realise that you didn’t stick to that diet you started at new year and you’ve got 2 months to get yourself looking good for your holiday.  Do you want to try a new … Continue reading

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Hay Fever season approaches

The hay fever season starts in Mid-May when tree pollen is released, through the summer with grass pollen and even into the autumn when weed pollen is released. Although hay fever cannot be cured the symptoms can be treated. For … Continue reading

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