We understand that many people may be concerned about the situation in Turkey and Syria following the recent and devastating earthquake, which has affected the lives of thousands.
We understand that many people may also be concerned for relatives’ welfare who are located in these regions affected by the destruction. For many young people in particular, this may be the first time they have been exposed to media images and reports of a natural disaster of this magnitude.
Care first wanted to reassure you of the support available from Care first in response to this event.
Please see the below steps that Care first have taken to make sure the appropriate support is in place for the organisations that we support and their people:
- A reminder is encouraged for your employees that emotional support is available 24/7 from our accredited Counsellors.
- Employees have access to our translation service should they wish to access support in their chosen language.
- Care first are able to provide interpreters for contracted counselling where clinically appropriate and can facilitate fluent speaking counsellors in a chosen language.
- Care first’s call volumes are constantly monitored and resources adjusted according to the amount of calls we receive.
- The Care first Telephone Information Specialists are receiving the most up to date information available so they can help to support people with practical queries around the situation in Turkey and Syria. For example, if an employee wanted to know about how one of their family members in Turkey or Syria could go about travelling to the United Kingdom, or if an employee was due to Travel to the regions themselves, they may require information about travel advice, or how to seek compensation from their tour operator.
- Care first will be delivering a webinar and article specifically aimed at supporting employees with ‘Coping with Natural Disasters’. This will be announced shortly, and will be included in our weekly comms calendar.
- For any specific requirements to support your employees further, please contact your Care first Service Manager.