What To Expect When You Call Care First? – Care First Webinar Tues 13th July 2021

Feed URL: https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/healthandwellbeing-news/2021/07/13/what-to-expect-when-you-call-care-first-care-first-webinar-tues-13th-july-2021/feed/?withoutcomments=1

When you connect to the helpline, the counsellor will provide ‘in the moment’ support to help with the issue you have contacted Care first for. Throughout the session the counsellor will assess your situation and what support is most clinically appropriate for you. There are a number of different possible outcomes. The examples below will give you an idea of how your call may be handled.

Outcome 1 – Your initial call with the counsellor will provide you with the support you need ‘in the moment’ and no further support is recommended.

Outcome 2 – During your session with the counsellor they may recommend addition sessions of counselling on the telephone, video or face to face.

Outcome 3 – It may be that the reasons you have contacted us are more appropriately supported by one of our support partners or an alternative service. In this case, the counsellor may refer you to a charity or specialist organisation that work with the specific issue you called about, or refer you on to another service that can offer you the most clinically suitable support for what you are going through. This may include your GP or alternative NHS services.

Finally – they will assure you that no matter what route you take you can still always use the helpline for any ‘in the moment’ support you may need at any time of the day.

If you need practical advice from one of our Telephone Information Specialists (TIS) they will support you as soon as you contact the service and provide you with any information you may need. Care first Telephone Information Specialists are available 8am-8pm Monday- Friday.

All employees are eligible to use Care first, our services include; telephone counselling, information services and online support. Call Care first on the Freephone number provided by your organisation and you can speak to a professional in confidence.

If you would like to view the Webinar on ‘What to expect when you call Care first’ this is being delivered live on Tuesday 13th July at 12pm, please use the below link to register for this session –


If you are unable to join the webinar live, a recording of the session can be accessed using the same link above after the webinar has taken place.

Below are some example scenarios and a breakdown of how Care first would support each situation. It is however important to highlight that each case is supported on a case by case basis and what may be clinically appropriate to support one client’s situation may not be suitable for another individual –    

Reason for calling Care first Example Step by Step – What happens
Relationship issues ‘I had a huge argument with my other half

and now they

want to split up and I don’t. I

keep losing my

temper because

of it.’

1. The counsellor will work with you in the moment to ensure you are ok and are coping.
2. The counsellor will work with you to work out the next best course of action. This may also include a short assessment to establish the best route.
3. Depending on the above they will either refer you for contracted counselling sessions (a set of sessions with a designated Care first counsellor), or they may sign post you to a more suitable organisation that can provide specific support. They will offer advice on what to do and how to get the support you need. At this point they will also give you advice in relation to what you are calling about for example coping mechanisms around the issue you have spoken about. E.g. anger management tips. It is very much about you regaining control of your situation and they will work on that with you. This can sometimes feel challenging.
4. They will ensure that you know you can always use the helpline at any time following your call for in the moment support with a counsellor.
Financial problems ‘I have so many bills due in less than a week. I

can’t pay. I don’t

know what to do. I am

stressed, worn

out, angry and I just hate the

world. I feel so lost. ‘

1. The counsellor will work with you in the moment to ensure you are ok and are coping as above.
2. Once the counsellor has supported you with the emotional impact of your situation and you have regained an element of control. They may suggest that as well as talking to one of our counsellors it might help to speak with a Care first Telephone Information Specialist as they are money trained experts that can offer any practical advice on things like finances e.g. where you can get support from regarding paying the bills/ how to pay them in a suitable way and help you to budget your finances.
3. They will assess if on-going support would be clinically appropriate. It may be that you just needed this one instance of support, but if you would like to explore ongoing support they can do that with you as above.
4. They will ensure that you know you can always use the helpline at any time following your call for in the moment support with a counsellor.
Childcare  ‘I need some help and advice about how I can get childcare. What can I do?’ 1. Our Telephone Information Specialists would be most suited for this situation. They can offer you practical information about day to day issues whether they arise at home or at work. They can speak to you, find out what you need and the best way they can help and advise you with your query. E.g. they can help establish if you are entitled to any help with childcare and advise you how to get it.

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