Thursday March 11th 2021 is World Kidney Day.
World Kidney Day is an annual campaign to help raise awareness of kidneys and show the suffering caused when they don’t work properly. It also aims to educate people on what kidneys do and how to improve your kidney health.
The Kidney Charities Together Group co-ordinates the World Kidney Day activity in the UK. The Group consists of
- the British Renal Society,
- Kidney Care UK,
- Kidney Research UK,
- the National Kidney Federation,
- the Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Charity,
- the Renal Association
- Kidney Wales
So what do our kidneys do?
- They remove toxins, excess water and waste products.
- They are vital in regulating your blood pressure.
- They activate vitamin D to help keep your bones and muscles in good shape.
- They’re essential for a healthy body. share what you can do to improve your kidney health:
For further information regarding your kidneys, how to keep them healthy and the different symptoms to look out for please see the following NHS links:
- Keeping your kidneys healthy – NHS (
- Chronic kidney disease – NHS (
- Kidney infection – NHS (