Salt Awareness Week 4th – 11th March 2021

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Salt Awareness Week will take place 8 – 14 March 2021 and this year the theme is ‘More Flavour, Less Salt’

It may seem as though the only way to add flavour to home-cooked meals is with a big pinch of salt, but there are so many other ways to ensure your food packs a flavoursome punch! This Salt Awareness Week, we will be providing simple tips to help you use less salt, including:

  • Replacing salt with chili, citrus, fresh herbs, garlic, black pepper and spices
  • Cutting back on sauces such as soy sauce, ketchup and salad dressings which can contain lots of hidden salt
  • Using lower salt-stocks, or making your own low-salt stock

For more information please use the following links:


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