Tips To Be More Productive Whilst Working From Home – Care First Webinar 25th Nov 2020 at 12pm

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Tips To Be More Productive Whilst Working From Home

With most of the World online and working at home, many of us have taken to the change like a duck to water however, many have found it difficult to adjust to this new way of working and to remain productive whilst working in our own homes. This article will explore tips and ideas to help with our productivity at work whilst working from home; which will enable us to stay on top of things and not become overwhelmed by mounting tasks, whilst also improving our mental wellbeing during this period of uncertainty.

Your Workstation – Try to create a specific area in your home to work from, so your job doesn’t impact others in your household and so that you can concentrate too. Try to avoid common areas that you relax in like your living room. Try to ensure that your work station is a stress-free and quiet one. If it is difficult to find an area like this in your house, or if you don’t have a separate room to work from, find an area with the least foot fall of others in your household.

Noise – There are many distractions working from home which we cannot control such as traffic, the bin lorry, dogs barking or noise from household members and neighbours. Try to block out these noisy distractions with noise cancelling head phones or ear buds.

Stay in one place – Try to work in the same work space on a regular basis to avoid distractions and maintain your focus to increase your productivity. Establishing boundaries between work tasks and personal tasks can be effective, so you’re not constantly reminded of temptations around you.

Boundaries – Setting boundaries around your work space and communicating with others in your household can ensure you are interrupted and distracted as little as possible. Ask others in your household to avoid interrupting you during working hours. You can also avoid your designated work space outside of working hours to help separate work and home life as much as possible.

Start and end your day – After finishing your working day remember to pack up your things and store them away. Keeping work reminders out of sight keeps them out of mind and helps you to switch off, relax and recharge your batteries, but mainly helps to define your work and personal life. Furthermore by setting up your work devices and paperwork at the start of your working day can help to focus your mind for the day.

Target setting – Setting clear and concise goals or targets with your work gives you the ability to focus on your priorities and work through tasks in an organised way. Think about your work tasks and list them, now arrange them into priority tasks and non-priority tasks and set yourself the goal of working through them. These can be set and reviewed daily, weekly or monthly.

Cabin fever – Now that we are spending a lot more time at home it is important to remember to take breaks and venture outside as much as possible. This could be taking a break in the garden (weather permitting), gardening or physical exercise such as walking, jogging or cycling. Spending time outside and around nature helps to reduce stress, relax, refocus and clear your mind. When the working day has finished try to spend time in other areas of your home and remember to continue with activities that can help us unwind such as connecting with others, mindfulness, cooking, reading or watching films or TV programmes.

We will discuss this topic in more detail during the ‘Tips to be more productive whilst working from home’ webinar on Wednesday 25th November 2020 at 12pm. You can register to join the webinar at

If you are unable to attend the live webinar it will be available to watch afterwards, using the same link.

If you feel you may need some support, Care first is available 24/7 to provide confidential,
impartial support. You can contact Care first 24/7 using the Freephone number provided by your Organisation.

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