Finding Positives During Lockdown

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As many areas in the UK have recently experienced differing local lockdowns, our  collective sense of wellbeing may have decreased for many. Now is a good time to consider the things that worked well for us, or that we found beneficial during the previous lockdown and to remind ourselves of the things that didn’t. For many, reminding ourselves that we have been through this once before and whilst it may have been challenging we came through it, can help to give us an element and sense of control which we can apply to this lockdown.

To help you find some positives during our second national lockdown, Care first has compiled the below tips…

Pursue a hobby

Focus on the enjoyable things you can do, rather than those you temporarily cannot. Find a hobby, such as learning a new language, trying a new recipe or craft that you can do from home, perhaps utilising apps, online materials or books.

Listen to music

It sounds simple to say, but listening to music can provide a sense of escapism for many who may be feeling overwhelmed by the second national lockdown. A recent study by Spotify and CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) found that 88% of people listened to music to enhance their mood and wellbeing.

Keep a gratitude journal

Research in positive psychology – the scientific study of happiness – suggests that practicing gratitude can help increase overall feelings of happiness and positivity. The format of the journal is not important – the most important thing is to record the good things that happened to you that day.

Limit your news consumption

If you are anxious about the state of the World and are feeling overwhelmed by the news at the moment, resist the temptation to continually check your newsfeed. In times of uncertainty or crisis, it is normal to want to have as much relevant information as possible. However, constantly looking at a news app, or watching the news on TV can
overwhelm us, so try and limit your time spent watching or reading news updates.

Find time to exercise

The positive impact of exercise on both our physical and mental health is well documented. During times of uncertainty it can be tempting to temporarily give-up our regular routines, including time for exercise. So try and allow time for some exercise each day, whether it be a home workout or a walk around the block. It is important to
understand that maintaining these routines can be beneficial to our overall wellbeing.

Seek support when needed

If you feel you may need some support, you can contact Care first. Care first is a leading provider of confidential, professional counselling, information and advice services. All employees are eligible to use Care first, our services include; telephone counselling, information services and online support. Call Care first on the Freephone number
provided by your organisation and you can speak to a professional in confidence.

Useful Sources & Information

If you would like to access this information in more detail please follow the links below –

For further tips on ‘Finding positives during Lockdown’, please join our live webinar on Tuesday 10 November 2020 at 12pm. To register your attendance please follow the link:

If you are unable to join the webinar live, a recording of the session can be accessed using the same link above after the webinar has taken place.

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