A very warm welcome to all Kent students arriving for the 2018-19 academic year, and an especially warm welcome to our new International Foundation Programme students!
CEWL will be present in the Student Experience Zone (Hall 2) at arrivals this weekend, and all students are welcome to come visit us in Chipperfield during the week. CEWL offers a number of internationally-focused learning opportunities through its World Languages and Language Express provision, the International Foundation Programme, our English Language and Academic Skills workshops, our English Language modules, and our Intercultural Awareness and Communication courses. In addition to all this we also oversee Study Plus, free additional non-credit-bearing courses for all registered students at Kent, with courses ranging from Japanese for Travel (a reminder both the Rugby World Cup 2019 and Olympics 2020 are both hosted in Japan!) to Digital Photography or Stone Carving. Keep an eye on the Study Plus website for new courses.
For more information on any of our courses please do come visit us or contact us at cewl@kent.ac.uk.