Stories in the Dark: Contemporary responses to the magic lantern – Friday 18 to Sun 20 March

WHERE Beaney House of Art and Knowledge
WHEN Saturday 09:00-17:00, Sunday 10:00-17:00

The magic lantern is a projection device invented in the 17th century. The machines used the light of candles and oil lamps to produce shows that took people’s breath away as they saw projected moving images for the very first time. These intricate machines were often used by magicians and conjurers, to create spellbinding tales of ghosts and spirits in the darkness of the projection room. In contrast to our digital age in which technology is largely hidden and incomprehensible, the magic lantern’s relatively simple mechanism – a direct ancestor of the motion picture projector – enable us to understand how moving image works – and create a sense of wonder.

For this exhibition nine specially selected artists are using material from the Beaney’s unique collections, together with rare original magic lantern machines and beautiful Victorian slides, as a starting point to create brand new works.

Stories in the Dark is curated by artist Ben Judd, and is a co-commission by the Beaney House of Art & Knowledge and Whitstable Biennale, festival of contemporary art.

With special thanks to Joss Marsh and David Francis (Kent Museum of the Moving Image), Nick Hiley (University of Kent) and The Magic Lantern Society. The exhibition continues until 19 June. 

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Digital B-Orders – Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 March

WHERE: Jarman Foyer
WHEN: Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th, 14:00-20:00

Digital B-Orders is an interactive installation using motion sensitive lighting. Inspired by traditional Islamic Qur’an and manuscript illumination, the surface of the artwork is intricately decorated. On closer inspection, there is more going on under the surface, with software, circuits and electrical components enabling interactivity, based on the viewer’s movement. The almost visible underlying structure alludes to the hidden order beyond the surface, in this case bringing newly interpreted life to a traditionally static art form. Digital B-Orders was developed as part of practice-based PhD research by Sara Choudhrey (School of Arts) who is looking into the use of digital technologies by Islamic artists in the UK.


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Deep Above – Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 March

ARTIST Adam Chodzko
WHERE Templeman Library Lecture Theatre
WHEN Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th, on the hour every hour from 14:00 last showing starts 20:00 (Screening lasts 28 mins)

Deep Above is a new film, engaging with the global situation of climate change and extreme weather conditions, weaving its complexity into the immediate and local. Chodzko uses sounds and images from the environment and communities immediately around and within the University of Kent (where Chodzko is a senior lecturer) including snatches of chorus from the University choir, the wolves at Wildwood, the sea at Seasalter, teenagers in Thornden Woods, the M2 near Faversham, and a family kitchen in Whitstable.

Most people agree that climate change is taking place – we experience extreme weather conditions and observe the data, imagery and analysis as evidence. Deep Above uses a distilled, intense combination of moving image and sound to explore, short-circuit and abstract our slippery self-deceptions regarding climate change.

Boys in the forest

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How We Need It To Be- Sunday 20 March

ARTIST Barnyard Productions
WHEN Sunday, performances at 14.00-14.45, 16.00-16.45 and 18.00-18.45
WHERE: Astrodome, Darwin Conference Suite

What will this performance become and who then will I be?

Using the Centre for Astrophysics and Planetary Science’s astrodome, How We Need It To Be uses ideas of projection (of what the piece will be and of what both audience and actors project onto a performance) to create the performance itself. Just as we project onto other people in our lives, as an audience we project onto the actors, onto theme, space, and plot in theatre, rendering one performance a completely disparate experience from one viewer to the next. And to performers, one audience may appear charmingly attentive and generous, while to another they assume the form of a hateful pit of snakes. Meanwhile, in the time leading up to the performance, both audience and performer develop expectations, projecting onto what the piece might be. It could be disastrously offensive, the audience storming out in a fury. It could be hilarious and moving, in equal parts, leaving both audience and actors speechless, seeing the world in a whole new light.

Barnyard Productions includes four US and UK based actors with a particular interest in the psychophysical: Sarah Purcell, Rob Bateman, Patrick Bailey and Gretchen Egolf.

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The Cloudbuster- Friday 18 to Sun 20 March

ARTISTS Tracey Affleck, Val Bolsover, Sophie Brown, Jose Fernandez Levy, Fiona Townend and Claudia Chiappini
WHEN Friday Saturday and Sunday 11:00-17:00
WHERE ROOM, outside the Pilkington Building on the University of Kent Medway campus at Pembroke

Entering this blue-as-the-sky space, in order to understand it collaboratively, are a group of six Fine Art MA artists from the School of Music and Fine Art, working with a proposition by artist and senior lecturer Adam Chodzko:

…When the flood receded one of the ship’s 20 containers was left beached in a Medway library’s car park.  Although apparently empty, inspection detected the emission of a low resonant ‘cello-like’ pulse somewhere within the box’s interior and the strange rearrangement of the visitors’ smartphone data. Shipping records indicate the container’s transit of a ‘cloudbuster’, based on Wilhelm Reich’s designs, without detailing where it was going, or who had sent it.  

ROOM is a converted shipping container, designed by architect Simon Barker. This is a multiple-partnered project involving Island Projects, The University of Kent and the Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust.

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