WHEN: Saturday 14:00-20:00
WHERE: Create Cafe, Marlowe Building
Science meets art in this exhibition, which celebrates the work of staff and students in the School of Biosciences. This collection of images, each generated through engagement with current research, showcases the beauty in scientific data.
The exhibition aims to shed some light on laboratory life and the process of discovery in the biological sciences. Every image shown has a story to tell, and explores cutting edge research in the fields of biomedical science, biochemistry, genetics and biotechnology. In addition to introducing new and interesting concepts at the forefront of scientific research, the exhibition aims to encourage the viewer to explore their own perspectives on art within the context of the biological sciences. This series of projections celebrate just a few examples of the intricate patterns, and the beautiful shapes and colours that are inherent in the exploration of nature’s processes – whether at a molecular, cellular or at a larger scale.
Images selected by Wei-Feng Xue and Dan Lloyd, members of academic staff from the School of Biosciences.