How We Need It To Be- Sunday 20 March

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ARTIST Barnyard Productions
WHEN Sunday, performances at 14.00-14.45, 16.00-16.45 and 18.00-18.45
WHERE: Astrodome, Darwin Conference Suite

What will this performance become and who then will I be?

Using the Centre for Astrophysics and Planetary Science’s astrodome, How We Need It To Be uses ideas of projection (of what the piece will be and of what both audience and actors project onto a performance) to create the performance itself. Just as we project onto other people in our lives, as an audience we project onto the actors, onto theme, space, and plot in theatre, rendering one performance a completely disparate experience from one viewer to the next. And to performers, one audience may appear charmingly attentive and generous, while to another they assume the form of a hateful pit of snakes. Meanwhile, in the time leading up to the performance, both audience and performer develop expectations, projecting onto what the piece might be. It could be disastrously offensive, the audience storming out in a fury. It could be hilarious and moving, in equal parts, leaving both audience and actors speechless, seeing the world in a whole new light.

Barnyard Productions includes four US and UK based actors with a particular interest in the psychophysical: Sarah Purcell, Rob Bateman, Patrick Bailey and Gretchen Egolf.

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