Artists’ Books and the Medical Humanties Symposium 21st-22nd April 2016

An Interdisciplinary Symposium and Workshop, accompanied by Prescriptions: an exhibition of artists’ books by Martha A. Hall and other artists

Artists' Books image

Organised by the University of Kent’s School of English and the University of New England’s Maine Women Writers Collection, with the support of the Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, Canterbury.

Funded by The Wellcome Trust

Contact: Dr Stella Bolaki, School of English

Artists’ Books and the Medical Humanities consists of an exhibition of artists’ books in the Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, a symposium and a full-day workshop, to take place in Canterbury on 21st-22nd April 2016. Martha Hall’s books, on loan from the University of New England, were created from 1998 until her death in 2003. They document her experiences with breast cancer and her interactions with the medical community.

The symposium will explore connections between artists’ books, health/illness and medicine from interdisciplinary perspectives. The workshop will be facilitated by a book artist and bring together health professionals, artists and members of the wider public. In addition to Hall’s books, Prescriptions (21 April-14 August 2016) will include a supporting show of artists’ books by national and international artists responding to themes of art and wellbeing.

Full programmes of the symposium/workshop and registration details can be found on the project website:

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