Congratulations to Dr Richard Guest from the School of Engineering and Digital Arts on the award of a £65,689 grant from CallSign Inc. for a project entitled “An exploration of dynamic biometric performance using device interaction and wearable technologies”. This project will investigate the performance of behavioural interaction for biometric verification purposes on a range of computing, mobile and wearable devices.
The project will initially focus on two factor authentications using biometrics on conventional computing platforms and mobile platforms involving the analysis of mouse and keystroke data, and swipe and pin dynamic from the mobile systems. The work will develop biometric algorithms and fusion schemes to establish optimal performance can be obtained using two-factor biometric authentication. The project will subsequently assess the use of wearable technology/wrist bands was part of a three-factor authentication architecture. For this we shall explore data capabilities and algorithms for biometric authentication based on the data obtained from the wearable technologies.