Additionally, in recent months, Iulia has also been involved in more than 30 outreach activities, including activities organised by the University of Kent’s Partnership Development Office, such as summers school, science extravaganza, FE Residential, University visits, as well as careers talks in schools. Iulia was also one of the business partners for the CATS College mock interviews, organised by Enterprise in Education.
In December, Iulia was invited to deliver robotics sessions for the STEM At Work initiative, organized by STEMNet. A student that attended one of the sessions reported: ‘I learnt so much, I loved watching the Nao bot called Edison giving demonstrations. He can change the world for the elderly and disabled people. Today has changed my career options. I might be a scientist when I’m older.’
STEMNet also invited Iulia to deliver robotics sessions during the Big Bang Near Me, Sandwich, Kent event earlier in the year. Through this initiative, she promoted engineering at a career’s fair in Highsted Grammar School, delivered robotics sessions focussed on algorithms and forces to St. John’s CEP School in Canterbury, as well as engineering talks to students in Bexley Grammar School and Community College Whistable.
Iulia is a very active engineering mentor for the Primary Engineer Leaders Awards having visited three schools in Kent in March. During the same period, Iulia was one of the three finalists for “I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here!” competition, which is an online event where school students meet and interact with engineers. She is a FIRST LEGO League judge, volunteering for the UK&I National Final and International Open Championship in 2017.
Iulia has many other events planned for the year ahead and we commend her efforts in promoting science, engineering and technology to young people.