The project, entitled “GaNSaT”, (Gallium Nitride [GaN] powered Ka-band high-efficiency multi-beam transceivers for SATellites) is an EU FP7-funded project with collaborative partners from across Europe, including the University of Kent, UK, Airbus, France, FBH, Germany, INSTITUTO DE TELECOMUNICACOES, Portugal, MIER COMUNICACIONES SA, Spain, EVOLEO TECHNOLOGIES LDA, Portugal, and EFACEC ENGENHARIA E SISTEMAS SA, Portugal.
This ambitious project aims to investigate innovative GaN devices at millimeter-wave frequencies, the development of GaN-integrated millimeter-wave active phased arrays and also their applications into future high-speed satellite communications and inter-satellite links. GaN devices are very promising for producing significantly higher power at much smaller size, compared to other technologies. The GaN-based active phased arrays at millimeter-wave frequencies will be useful or significantly increasing the capacity of satellite communication systems while reducing the size, mass and cost of satellite payloads. Dr. Qi Luo, Mr Long Zhang and Professor Steven Gao, from EDA, will host the meetings.