Index coding problem is a fundamental transmission problem which occurs in a wide range of multicast networks. Dr Foh’s talk will present solutions for the index coding problem using network coding over GF(2) and using the solution called BENEFIT.
Chuan Heng FOH (Ph.D, The University of Melbourne, 2002) is a senior lecturer at the University of Surrey. He was an Assistant Professor at the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) between 2003 and 2012. He is the author of over 90 research papers and 1 patent. He is the Associate Editor of International Journal of Communication Systems and guest editor of International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, TPC member of many mainstream IEEE conferences. His main research interests include performances of computer networks, wireless network, network coding, multimedia transmission, cloud computing, and data center technology.
All members of academic, technical and administrative staff are welcome to the seminar. RAs and postgraduates (PhD candidates and MSc students) are particularly encouraged to attend the event. For any further enquiry, please contact Dr H Zhu (