Outstanding science and engineering students, from 57 countries, attended the London International Youth Science Forum from (LIYSF) 24 July – 7 August, held at Imperial College London. These students, aged 17 – 21 years, attend lectures by international experts, visits to universities, research laboratories and industrial laboratories. In addition there is a social and recreational programme organized in London.
On Tuesday 30 July a group of LIYSF students visited the science and electronics laboratories at the University of Kent and attended a lecture-demonstration on chaotic phenomena given by Professor Mohamed Sobhy. They visited the electronics undergraduate projects laboratory supervised by Mr Harvey Twyman and the Antenna Laboratory in the School of Engineering and Digital Arts under the guidance of Dr Benito Sanz. In addition they had a session in which they attempted to solve some mathematical puzzles posed by of Professor John Dore .
They returned to Imperial College at the end of the day determined to visit Canterbury again when they return to the UK.