Congratulations to Professor Yong Yan from the School of Engineering and Digital Arts upon the recent award from EPSRC via the UK Carbon Capture and Storage (UK CCS) Research Centre for a collaborative project entitled ‘Monitoring of CO2 flow under CCS conditions through multi-modal sensing and machine learning’.
Measurement and monitoring of CO2 across the entire CCS chain is essential to gain an in-depth understanding of the physical and chemical characteristics of CO2 flow in pipelines and leakage plums over storage sites across different length and time scales. The project, with significant in-kind support from KROHNE Limited and WALSN Limited, aims to implement and assess the performance and operability of a novel instrumentation system under CCS conditions on a dedicated CO2 test facility located at North China Electric Power University (NCEPU), Beijing, China. The system is based on a multi-modal sensing network and machine learning algorithms.
The outcome arising from this project is expected to support the CCS industry in the UK and the rest of the world to ensure the success of large-scale CO2 injection projects and enable the long term monitoring of captured CO2 in storage sites.