EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership 3 year PhD Studentships – 4 positions available!

The School of Engineering and Digital Arts at the University of Kent is pleased to offer fully funded EPSRC studentships starting in September 2019. The studentships cover home tuition fees and an annual maintenance grant (which is £14,777 for 2018/19). EPSRC scholarships are open to Home/EU students who meet UKRI residency guidelines.

For this year’s EPSRC DTP studentships we are inviting applications from candidates interested in undertaking research within our internationally leading research groups:

 Communications – particularly in the area of microwaves/RF (including antennas and RFID), but also in beyond 5G communications

 Instrumentation and Control – particularly in the area of sensors and instrumentation for renewable energy systems, such as intelligent monitoring of biomass fuel injection

– Intelligent Interactions – particularly in the areas of the Internet of Things (e.g. for assistive living) and the Tactile Internet (such as VR for mental health interventions), but also smart healthcare technologies

Applicants are encouraged to examine the research activities of the above groups, and to consult with prospective supervisors. Partnerships with industry are being formed by prospective supervisors and these will be encouraged in the final allocation of studentships.

Any enquiries should be directed to Tara Sutton (t.j.sutton@kent.ac.uk).


  • The University of Kent invites applications for a full-time PhD studentship commencing in September.
  • We are looking for an excellent student with a good Honours degree (First or 2i) and, preferably, a Master’s degree at Merit or Distinction in a relevant subject, or equivalent.
  • Successful candidates will demonstrate academic excellence and outstanding research potential.
  • Open to UK and EU applicants who meet RCUK residency guidelines and have been resident in the UK for 3 years prior to commencement are eligible to apply.
Apply for an Electronic Engineering PhD and upload a copy of your research proposal together with the name of a prospective supervisor. The deadline is 8 February 2019.
Further information can be found here.